
The Last Concert of the Alexandrov Red Army Choir (2016) 전원사망

틀니딱딱 2019. 4. 25. 20:22


게시일: 2016. 12. 29.

The last concert at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, 2016.
Conductor - Valery Khalilov

In the memory of all who perished in a tragic airplane crash over the Black Sea on December 25, 2016.
2016년 12월 25일 흑해 상공에서 발생한 비극적인 비행기 추락 사고로 사망한 모든 이들을 추모합니다.



00:00:12 - Александровская песня (Alexandrov's song)
00:04:23 - Шли солдаты (Soldiers walking)
00:08:24 - Казачья кавалерийская (Cossack dance)
00:13:40 - Ах, ты степь широкая (Oh, you wide steppe)
00:18:26 - Двенадцать разбойников (Twelve robberies)
00:22:45 - Эпиталама Виндекса из оперы "Нерон" (from opera "Neron")
00:25:36 - "Хор пленных иудеев" из оперы "Набуко" (The Choir of Jewish prisoners)
00:30:02 - Итальянский парафраз (Italian paraphrase)
00:36:44 - В путь (On the way!)
00:40:28 - Смуглянка (Dark-skinned girl "Smuglyanka")
00:44:30 - Черноглазая казачка (Dark-eyed Cossack Girl)
00:47:52 - Марш "Маршал Жуков" из к/ф "Битва за Москву" ("Marshal Zhukov" Marsh)
00:49:55 - Ты моя надежда, ты моя отрада (You are my hope, you are my joy)
00:54:40 - Калинка (Kalinka)
01:00:30 - Прощание Славянки (Farewell of a Slavic Girl)




 전세계 추모 댓글들

It is a truly unforgotten Ensemble. Music can connect people, build bridges, and they were great ambassadors of the Russian people and culture! I am glad to see the Ensemble is now being rebuild. Greetings and RIP from Germany.
The immortal Red Army Chorus. You'll be deeply missed. I had the privilege of watching them live in a concert in Mexico City, my hometown, when my mother took my sister and me to that unforgettable show. I was about ten. My sister about nine    
George Benedict
May they rest with with the lord. I may disagree with Russia’s politics, but the Alexandrov choir didn’t deserve what happened to them. Such a shame they made such beautiful music and entertained many. I hope that they rebuild.    
R.I.P From Tunisia.. I will never forget Red Army Choir concert in Carthage historical Theatre.. ?? ❤ ??
RIP - Much love from New Zealand. Amazing musicians and a tragic loss.    
Aaronn Lim
We nowadays only appreciate western and pop music and forgot about choirs. Choirs take hours of practice to perfect and entertain everyone whereas pop music today won't take too long. My respect to the Red Army Choir for these people allow us, to a certain degree, understand Russian Culture. Greetings from Singapore, and May these great people rest in peace. 
David DeBroux
Seeing the title of this video, alone, made me feel really sad, knowing they died in a fatal airliner crash that year. Because they're such an amazing choir and ensemble, they surely will be missed. I feel bad that I never got the chance to see them in a concert, only in their albums. Coming from a Californian, I could only had hoped I could see them live, someday.          
RIP from Japan. They are honored Russian. I haven't seen such a special choir until seeing them. I would love to visit Russia in the near future. Спасибо.
Comrade Ash
I've listened to them for years, and did not know of the tragic accident until recently. Very sad to know I can never see them in concert. Heaven is now their audience.  
Darth Vegeta
So sad that nobody in the west reported on this. Neither mainstream American news or independent media mentioned this. How does 92 deaths in a planecrash go largely unreported?                        
Мы вас помним.
Jerry Xu
Greeting from China!! Lol, the people of older generation in China always love these former Soviet music.
Олег Губа
Это само совершенство русской песни.
нет братья и сёстры это не последний а крайний концерт. пока мы их помним это крайний концерт.