

틀니딱딱 2016. 5. 27. 20:55


Schindler's list - John Williams - NL orchestra


Simone Lamsma (violin) - Davida Scheffers (cor anglais)
Watch til the end, emotion guaranteed...
Davida Scheffers has lived her dream in winning a contest and the opportunity to play with the dutch Orchestra. Davida suffers from an extremely painful neuromuscular condition that derailed her career, and she thought she would never get to play in a professional orchestra again... The young blond lady is her daughter and was 18 years old that day.

Simone Lamsma(바이올린) - Davida Scheffers(잉글리쉬 호른)
끝까지 보시길 감동 보장
Davida Scheffers는 콘테스트에서 우승하고 네덜란드 오케스트라와 협연하는 기회를 꿈꿔왔습니다. Davida는 극도로 고통스러운 신경근 질환으로 경력이 무산되었고 그녀는 다시는 전문 오케스트라에서 연주할 수 없을 거라고 생각했습니다... 금발의 젊은 여성은 그녀의 딸이며 그날 18세였습니다.


this is not for ears, it is for heart 귀가아닌 마음을 위한것





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