음악 2

Mi votu e mi rivotu

틀니딱딱 2017. 4. 24. 21:25




Carmelo Zappulla - Suspirannu (Mi Votu E Mi Rivotu)

 Roberto Alagna --  

Suspirannu (Mi Votu E Mi Rivotu)


Veronica lL Causi -  Suspirannu



Mi votu e mi rivotu

Mi votu e mi rivotu suspirannu     
passi li notti enteri senza sonnu   
e li biddizzi toi vaju cuntimplannu  
li passu de la notti sino a jornu     
Pi tia non pozzu ora chiù dormiri   
paci nun avi chiù, sta friddu u cori 
Lu sai quannu ca iù taiu a lassari  
quannu la vita mia finisci e mori    
Lu sai quannu ca iù taiu a lassari 
quannu la vita mia finisci e mori    
Mi votu e mi rivotu suspirannu
passi li notti enteri senza sonnu

I turn and turn

I turn and turn again sighing
I spend whole nights awake
I admire your beauty
and see the whole night pass until dawn
Because of you now I no longer sleep
My aching heart has no more peace
Do you know when I'll leave you?
When my life ends and I'll die
O dove, walking along the seashore,
stop that I must ask you a couple words
stop so I can take a plume off your wings
to write letters to my love.
I write you letters, two, three
But never a reply from you I receive
Have you not paper to write
or you cannot write?
I turn and turn again sighing
I spend whole nights without sleeping ...


'음악 2' 카테고리의 다른 글

Paul Mauriat / Franck Pourcel / Francis Lai / Raymond Lefevre 협연  (0) 2018.06.02
Oscar Benton  (0) 2017.09.30
Slava  (0) 2017.02.23
Andre Rieu  (0) 2016.09.12
Sam (The man) Taylor  (0) 2016.09.11